After a successful 2017-18 student intern program we decided to welcome another group on board to gain experience and build a better understanding of our industry.
This year’s program started with Derrick Sowa (left) who excitedly received word that his recently completed PhD thesis in Environmental Policy and Management with The University of Adelaide passed allowing Derrick to be awarded his doctorate. Derrick started in Kumasi (Africa) with a Bachelor of Science (Geomatic Engineering) then completed his Masters (Harbour, Coastal and Offshore Engineering) at Honai University (China) focussing on environmental protection and safety.
Georgia Lamb (middle) is fresh out of high school and keen for some work experience in the environmental industry. Georgia is planning to pursue a career in social science and is very happy to be doing work experience at Environmental Projects before she embarks in starting her first year of University in 2020.
Anthony Randell (right) is an honours graduate from University of South Australia where he studied a Bachelor of Environmental Science and a Bachelor of Sustainable Environments (Honours). His honours involved improving seagrass survival and restoration. Anthony also has extensive field experience in conservation and bushcare.
We are delighted to have all three interns, of varying backgrounds and interests, on our team and to have an opportunity to share our knowledge, show them the ‘ins and outs’ of environmental consulting and feed off their enthusiasm and fresh outlook, and maybe even learn something from them too!