Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

What. a. year. I’m sure you’re all seeing a lot of posts like this at the moment, but we just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone who stayed in touch with us this year. We feel incredibly lucky to have made it through and we couldn’t have done it without you all. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, from opening our new Perth office, to submitting the Response Document for the Smith Bay Wharf EIS (four years in the making), to temporarily leaving our CBD office due to COVID and transitioning to working from home and then coming back to the office and slowly embracing normality again to be then thrown back into an intense lockdown. We hope everyone is doing ok after this crazy year and that you have looked after yourselves.

Just a reminder our office will be closed from 5pm Tuesday 22nd of Dec 2020 – 9am Monday 11th of Jan 2021.

We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday and we’ll see you in the new year to tackle whatever 2021 may have in store!

Photo of Environmental Projects team Christmas 2020